Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This is our patio. The green thing in the middle is the umbrella for our table.

View from garage towards patio. 

The woods behind our house. Hard to tell how tall the snow is, but it's about my height from being plowed/blown.
Okay, Okay Mother Nature. I get it. You win. UNCLE.  

Since I last posted we have received at my estimate  over 40" of snow. Oh, it hasn't fallen all at once, but the vast majority is still on the ground (and our roof). I'm done. I'm calling Uncle. You can stop any time now, "Mom" before I start calling you names!

Other than the snow (which we have had a lot of fun with, as well as some grumbling by us adults) things have been moving along here. The big kids are both in Basketball. Amelia has practice once a week and games once a week, and Declan has 1.5 hour combo practice/games once a week.  Finn keeps taking swimming lessons and it's almost always his favorite part of the week.  We've also gotten to go to a local college game as well as a couple of HS games.  

I think all of her game pictures are on my "real" camera. Too lazy to look right now.

In addition to Basketball we've been skiing a few times. Amelia tried snowboarding once and skiing once, and the boys both have skied twice (lessons, I "lodged" it).  In addition Amelia and I went X-Country skiing with some good friends. It was a great workout but I didn't find it as challenging as downhill. Whew!

We did travel to both Jeannette and Newark for the holidays and I was able to catch up with some girlfriends in Westerville. It was a complete whirlwind trip and everyone (and I mean everyone) got the stomach bug so it was rather interesting as well!  We loved seeing all of the cousins, though- as always. It's hard to be away and know that everyone is growing up without you. We were grateful we got to see as many people as we did, albeit briefly.

I received a super surprise birthday gift from two very dear friends- they decided to brave the elements and come visit me.  We had an awesome time exploring Boston. It's actually the first time I've been in the city without the kids with me- so it was fun to take in some of the shops, etc. We could also walk a lot further, faster.  We topped off the night with a trip to Rino's Place, which was featured on Diners Drive ins and Dives. While the food (and company) was excellent, I wouldn't recommend it- as the wait and the seating policy were both terrible. Luckily we hunkered down at the bar across the street and chatted away!

We are currently on Winter Break- so we are all getting a bit stir- crazy, but we are doing the best we can. We were able to get out for a bit today which was great, and we had a hallway basketball tournament on Monday. :)  We'll find a few more things to do and projects to tackle the rest of the week. 

  The following is what our yard/drive looks like as of today 2/19.  We actually got around 3 more inches this afternoon- but you get the idea.

View from back patio towards driveway 
View from back of house

Trees that used to have bottoms

View of fence to see how deep it's getting

Those are my knees not my ankles

Side of driveway. Snowblower for height perspective

From Laundry room door looking towards driveway
As always we love and miss everyone and would love visitors any time!